Not wasting paper

Last night I printed several copies of a meeting agenda, and left them all on the printer when I went to the meeting. {sigh} This morning I have housework, a meeting, shopping, and errands. This afternoon is more projects and shuttling kids to robotics, dentist, etc. I also have a class this evening. But what I also need to do today is mentally process and transcribe all the ideas and tasks I learned the last two days at the workshop I attended. One of the things we briefly discussed at the workshop was a book, Write it down, make it happn : knowing what you want - and getting it! by Henriette Anne Klauser. I've requested the book through ILL at my library and I'm excited to read it later this week! But I was thinking of that while seeing the paper on the printer and thinking of all the ideas needing to come out. So I spread the paper out on my table this morning. Gave several sheets a header for the different businesses and things I...