Blissful overwhelm

I've had a lot going on lately.  Work, family, and a lot of decisions/changes coming up that I need to figure out.

I've posted a bit over at Coastal CPR & First Aid about some of those changes.  These are things I cannot change, but need to decide how I am going to approach each change.

What has happened is that there is so many directions that I can take while deciding how to approach these changes that I've become stuck.  I can't seem to move in anyone one direction and haven't made any decisions.  It's been frustrating.

This week I'm attending a conference.  I've worked at this annual event for 5 years.  This year the focus and content has changed ... and it is amazing!  I'm working ... and taking copious notes ... as the content is addressing what I need to be considering right. this. very. minute.

It's overwhelming.  In a good sort of way.

First I have to say if you ever have the opportunity to work with, or attend a workshop provided by Alicia Forest, you must attend.  She has the most amazing approach and knows how to inspire and challenge you to improve yourself and your business.

I'm in blissful overwhelm because the light bulb went on, exploded, and then I had the shivers .... several times in only the first day.  There are so many things I can do to move my business forward and reduce my stress and working hours.  It will take time to implement them, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel that was not there before.  My squirrel project days may soon come to an end - okay, being realistic I'll have still have squirrel project days. But they won't impact my businesses as much as they have in the past.

I am also so fortunate to meet and work with such an amazing group of small business owners who are supportive and collaborative.  In so many places I see people who are looking to get ahead at the expense of someone else.  Not with this group.  Everyone has had a story, tip, or information to share.  It's an awesome tribe of amazing supportive entrepreneurs.

I'm blissfully overwhelmed by the ideas, support, collaboration, accountability, and friendship.  It's a good kind of overwhelm.


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