Even Supermoms need to take care of themselves

A few weeks ago I posted one of the newer videos on the Go Red for Women website. "Just a little heart attack". Coincidentally I had recently finished an article on self-care for supermoms which will appear in the Fall 2011 issue of Applaud for Women.

Parents are especially guilty of putting the needs of their families before their own. But statistically Sudden Cardiac Arrest is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. Even if we have annual exams and all the tests that go with it, are you leading a heart healthy lifestyle so that you will be there for your family? It is not selfish, but rather self-preservation. Taking care of yourself and your health means you can participate fully in family and community activities. Start small, take a few minutes each day for some exercise, watch what you eat, and do an activity that you enjoy. Your mental and physical health depends on it. Even Supermoms and Superdads need to take care of themselves.


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