The Challenge of teaching with my kids...

Last week I held a few private classes at my house. I don't do this all the time, but when someone calls and needs a class and certification on short notice this is usually the only way I can accomodate them. I don't charge more for short notice private classes, but I do warn them up front that I have young children and they'll be at home. Well, after last week those will be the last in my house for a while. It was inevitable, I can't expect my now 3 1/2 year old son and 1 year old daughter to play quietly while Mommy teaches a 3 hour class. This used to work. They would play with their quieter toys (I'd hide the really noisy ones) and we once even had a group of 9 Girl Scout Leaders over for a class. But now he just has too much energy and needs more of my undivided attention, which is challenging when I'm trying to teach. I had slowly been realizing that trying to teach a class with my own children joining in was proving to be more and more difficult. ...