It's Girl Scout Cookie Time!

Depending upon where you live trucks filled with Girl Scout cookies will soon be descending upon your city or town! For us Cookie Delivery Day is this Saturday, Valentines Day. I will be signing receipts for hundreds of boxes of cookies! This is a hard temptation for me, but this year I've set my schedule up so that we can deliver my daughters' cookie orders all weekend to move them out of the house as quickly as possible.

I'm doing Weight Watchers. I've done this in the past successfully, but I have been struggling with my weight since my daughter was born. With a new year I'm trying it again and looking for any support I can find. In addition to attending Weight Watchers meetings I've joined a new group 15 by June. We're a small group that has just started and we'll be providing each other support and accountability on our weight loss efforts. I'm really excited about this group!

But I'm worried about the impending arrival of the cookies! My big challenge is supporting the Girl Scouts (and my daughters!) without actually eating any cookies! I've sat down with the nutrition labels for all the cookies and most cookies are 1 to 1.5 WW points each. One type is actually 2 points per cookie. Note - this is points PER COOKIE, not per serving. You can View the cookies and their nutritional labels on my GS Council's website.

One thing I'd like to share is that most troops participate in something called Gifts of Caring. You can buy a box of cookies but the cookies are actually donated to a local organization or larger group. Here in NH we participate in 'Operation Cookie'. We take our donated cookies to the NH Air National Guard and they ship them to troops overseas.

So if you're tempted and want to help out a local troop, neighbor or relative ask if they participate in Gifts of Caring. You can support the girls without eating the cookies.


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