Using essential oils to repel ticks

I feel like I have been discussing ticks with someone at least once or twice a day for almost 2 weeks. I'm not a fan of bugs or ticks, so not something I would normally introduce into a conversation. But the ticks have been plentiful lately, and I've been seeing some Facebook posts on creative ways to remove them. First I want to say there are really only 2 safe ways to remove a tick. Tweezers or a tick spoon. I have a whole post on tick removal on my Coastal CPR blog . Read the post, it explains how other methods can increase your exposure to tick-borne illnesses. The safest thing is to prevent getting ticks. So the conversation of insect repellent comes next. There are a lot of great insect repellents and some contain ingredients we might not want on our skin. I've been enjoying and learning about essential oils for a while and have made my own insect repellent. It's been working pretty well so far and I'm getting a lot of requests for the recipe. I mostl...