Pawtuckaway North

A few weeks ago I did something I've never done before, I went hiking alone.  I've always had my kids with me, or gone with a friend.  This time I went alone.

It was the first day I was not scheduled to teach or work for someone.  I had a lot of work to do for my businesses, but I decided I really needed a mental health day.  I also had to be back to pick Jacob up from school to get him to New Heights, so I picked Pawtuckaway since it was close by.

It was a great hike!  The top of the North Mountain does not have stunning views, in fact I walked around a bit before I realized I was at the top.  There are a lot of trees, and Pawtuckaway is not a tall mountain.  Parts of the trail were pretty steep and I had to climb rocks.  Not what I was expecting, but it was a great hike.

Yes, I climbed up this.  And another slope that was all rock.

The view from the top.

I had a few reasons for trying solo hiking.  Mostly I needed time to think and recharge.  It was really cathartic to just focus on putting one foot in front of another and to figure out how to climb one of the rocky slopes.  It was relaxing to just sit at the top and do nothing but listen to the wind.  The only sounds I heard were chipmunks, a flying hawk, and my own breathing.  I only came across a few other hikers.  It was a completely different experience, and I really enjoyed it.

Next hike will be with others, I'm chaperoning Jacob's school trip to Mt. Cardigan and we'll be there for 3 days.  I doubt it will be quiet.  But it will be fun.


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