How I schedule classes

Add the subtitle:  and how creating schedules in my house is like herding cats.

Image result for herding cats
My instructional business is part-time.  I don't teach full time.  I could try to, but I'm just not sure there is actually enough people out there wanting to take classes to have enough registered participants in each class.  I also like being part-time as I can teach around my family's schedule.

And this is where I should put "Cat Herding" on my resume.  Except, we don't own a cat.

I usually schedule my classes 3-4 months ahead of time.   Not this time.  Here it is June, and I'm finally posting the summer class schedule.  We were supposed to take a trip, which didn't end up happening.  Then we were signing the kids up for summer camps, looking at creating smaller vacations while college touring all while not knowing which colleges since my oldest has been so busy with school, softball and work that I only see her for short pockets of time - if at all.  (sigh)  It's like herding cats to nail down the who, what, where and when with my family.

It's not like I don't WANT to schedule classes; I just don't want to schedule something and then need to change the date of the class due to a conflict with my family schedule.

Because ultimately I am self-employed so that I have the flexibility to be present when my kids need me.   So I can volunteer and make quesadillas on demand at Seis de Mayo (because at our school we never do it on the 5th of May) or attend the Holiday luncheon or sell tickets at the Music in Our Schools concert.  It means I look at all the things my family is involved in, put them on a massive Google calendar, and then create a class schedule from what is left.  Except my family is not often as forthcoming with their schedule information.

It's like herding cats.  It takes forever, but it gets done eventually.


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