
Today was a bittersweet day.  I’m excited to become pretty much a full time entrepreneur, but I’m sad to be giving up my regular part time job.

I am a librarian, or actually now I can say I was a librarian.  I only worked 8-10 hours a week.  I planned and ran children’s programs, shelved books, planned a move, cataloged books, moved books and in general did all the little things that helped to keep a small library running smoothly.  I loved what I did!  It didn't pay much, but it was a steady small paycheck.

So why did I leave?

My life just got busier.

I have 4 children, a small but growing business, a second business that is slowly growing. I’m a substitute teacher, road race organizer, and lead a Girl Scout troop.  I volunteer in my community and I don’t get a lot of sleep at night.  Originally I set up a part-time schedule that would allow me to have enough time to balance family and work.  It worked for a while, but lately it hasn't.

This was a really tough decision.  My primary business, Coastal CPR & First Aid, is kind of a feast or famine business.  I'm either really busy or I'm not.  That small paycheck carried me through when my community course registrations were down and no one was calling for on-site courses.  My secondary business, Some This & That, is slowly picking up.  Lately there are more things to do every day than there are hours in a day to do them.  Something had to give.... and that was my part-time library job.

So while I’m sad to leave a job I enjoyed, I’m excited to have more time for my family and to be able to focus on my businesses more.  I feel like I'm coming full-circle to where I was 4 or 5 years ago with 2 kids in school, 2 preschoolers and a small part-time business.  Except now I have 4 in school, I co-own a studio which gives me a permanent home for my courses and my business has moved from fledgling to thriving.  I'm nervous, scared, sad and excited all rolled into one!  

So today was a bittersweet day. I'm sad to close one door, but super excited to be opening another.


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