Self promotion

I've been at 2 things this past week where I was expected to talk about myself.  {sigh}

I'm primarily an educator.  I can stand in front of a class and discuss and teach on a variety of topics.  But talking about myself is different.  Its ... , well, ... personal.  It's that awkward I-want-to-share-everything-but-don't-want-to-annoy-everyone-sell-overpromote-myself.  I don't want to come across as pretentious and I don't often talk about myself.

What's worse is when it's a networking event.  And I'm sitting waiting my turn.  As everyone talks I think of what I'm going to say, and that just makes me nervous.

If I was giving advice to someone I would suggest they write down what they are going to say and practice it.  I've tried it ... but it makes me nervous or I forget the carefully crafted words.  I'm also a writer, and I like to write, review, write, review and then post/publish/submit.

So Wednesday I started with what I wrote above in the second paragraph.  And rocked my intro.  Explained both my businesses, what I'm looking to accomplish and how I'm looking to grow.

On Thursday it was more personal, and I'm thinking I didn't do as well.  Because when it's about me; the personal me -not the business me, it's a lot harder.  {sigh}  I can think of so many things I should have said, but thinking of them while driving home in the car isn't helpful.  Second guessing, ugh.

So earlier today I was out shopping with my daughters and I saw one of my favorite quotes on a bracelet charm that sums it up well.  "It is what it is".  We can't change what has been, just look at how to continue to improve moving forward.


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