Weather is not my friend

Last week it snowed. A lot. The meteorologist on TV suggested taking 3 measurements in different areas and average them to determine how much snow we received. In my yard it ranged from 22" to 27". No matter how you average it, that's a lot of snow. This is a yardstick stuck in the snow in my yard. This creates an insane amount of havoc on my class schedule. Last Tuesday I had a class scheduled, which meant I had to reschedule. One person I tested alone, one switched to a class this upcoming week, the others I have not heard back from. This is a healthcare provider renewal, so if they need it they'll call or email. I don't chase people down. This week we're getting snow. Again. On Monday. When I have 3 classes scheduled. {sigh} I just spent 20 minutes figuring out how to fit more classes in over the upcoming week to reschedule all these students. Normally I can squeeze it in. But for the last...