Squirrel Project kind of day

My facebook status today:

Today is turning into one of those squirrel project kind of days. Went to put away laundry, ended up cleaning out an overflowing drawer, kids needed a charging cable, which I didn't find but the entire basket of cables is organized neatly - and the laundry I wanted to start a half hour ago is still waiting and I'm replying to emails on the computer that I noticed on my phone while looking for the charging cable.

So I will admit. I just made up the term Squirrel Project.  Because I was trying to describe what felt like sudden onset of adult ADD.  But then a friend posted that she was having the same kind of day and didn't realize there was a name for it.

Now there is.

I'll trademark it.  Squirrel Project Day (tm).  There, now it's official.

Oh, and 4 hours later after hiking Mt. Agamenticus with the Cub Scouts I finally did the laundry.  I have not done the other 9 things on my to do list for today.

In other news....

This is my first post on this blog in MONTHS.  Why?  Because I got busy.  I organized all my volunteering and non-CPR & First Aid related work into a new business. Aptly titled "Some This & That"  since that is what it is.  I also started using my other blog for my Girl Scout troop and got busy with the new studio.  Life is good.  Busy.  But good.


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