The downside of good SEO

When I first set up my website I put a lot of effort into search engine optimization and marketing.  I was coding then, writing my own html, so I was meta tagging and manually entering my site into search engines.

And it worked!

A number of my students were contacting me for a class through direct referrals from my previous students.  When I first began teaching about 70% of my students were referred to me.

As I've become busier that number is changing.  I'm still getting quite a few referrals, but now I'm getting calls and emails directly from search engine hits on my website.  When you're looking for a class on the NH Seacoast I'm on page 1 of the rankings.

It's a good thing.

It's also a bad thing.

I get a lot of emails from folks looking for classes who are not geographically anywhere near me, like California.  (Although if you pay air fare and hotel I'll teach you! I've never seen the Pacific Ocean.)  I'm not quite sure of how, but when I check my analytics they are finding me when they are specifically looking for courses offered by an American Safety and Health Institute instructor.  I'm listed right underneath HSI, the parent company of ASHI.

This means I'm getting a lot of email and most of it is not for me.  In addition to course requests I'm receiving emails from students looking for the cards from courses that I did not teach.

A plea to all instructors: Please send your students their cards promptly after each class.  Your students are calling & emailing me looking for their cards!  I'm referring them to HSI since I don't know who you are.

If you're in NH, ME or MA and within a 45 minute drive of the Portsmouth, NH area I'm happy to come and provide a course.  If you're looking for a class in the NH Seacoast area visit my website at and sign up for a class.

If you're looking for your card, or need a replacement card please contact your course instructor.  If it's me - call or email me. If it's not me and you're not sure who it is contact the location where your class was held.  They should be able to help you get in contact with your instructor.  If you still need help and it's and ASHI course call HSI directly at 1-800-447-3177. (Yes I know, it is pretty close to my phone number too.)  If it is an American Heart Association course you can find your local AHA training center at and click on CPR.


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