Looking for a new address

Last February I moved my courses to a permanent home in Greenland, NH.

It was exciting and overwhelming all rolled into one. And it’s been a blast! I love having my own space to hold classes, scheduling has been so easy and I can accommodate last minute one-on-one classes. But I was also so nervous, I had monthly rent to pay and needed to make sure my finances were on track. I was so fortunate to be able to join forces with a colleague who is an Athletic Trainer and we co-share a double office in a small office building. We are both part-time businesses and were able to work out a great schedule that met both of our needs. I was so nervous at first that I might disappoint him if things didn’t work out for me. It has been so rewarding to discover that my classes have been popular and I’ve been busy teaching and using our classroom space.

 But sadly sometimes things don’t often work out as we hope.

My business is flourishing. I am so happy to be able to type that!

Despite needing to reduce my class schedule this fall due to transportation issues. Transportation issues really means I spend my late afternoons and early evenings driving my children to their myriad activities. Because of that I found I wasn’t able to continue offering weeknight classes. Which I was hoping to put back on the calendar now that soccer and marching band seasons will soon be over. But overall I’m teaching more and really enjoying being able to offer more classes.

 As successful as I feel I’m becoming, it has not been the same for my office partner. He still teaches, coaches and works with clients; but he’s gotten busy with family as well. His business is not flourishing, and he needs to step back to regroup. I feel so badly for him. He has been in business a long time and does some amazing work to help children with physical disabilities.

So what does that mean for Coastal CPR & First Aid? It means that I’ll be moving out of my Greenland, NH classroom as of the end of November. I will be looking for a temporary location for my December classes, rescheduling them, or cancelling them. I will be looking for a new permanent home to move into in January. It means my open-enrollment class schedule is on hold until I have arranged a location to hold classes. I am still booking on-site classes and am happy to come to your school, business or organization to provide CPR AED and First Aid classes.

I also need your help!

What I need help with is finding a new home. Preferably within a 20 min drive of the Portsmouth area. I love teaching, but don’t like spending a lot of time driving. I drive enough shuttling my children around and don’t want to add a long office commute to my day. I’m looking to co-share another space or find one on my own with a reasonable rent. I only need about 400 sq. feet, larger is nicer but I’m looking to stay within a budget. An expensive office means I have to raise the cost of my classes and I’m not sure I want to consider doing that just yet. It has to have parking for my students and it would be nice to be in a building with other businesses. Conversely, if someone wants to join me in my current office at Cornerstone Commons in Greenland, NH please email me ASAP!


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