Random acts of kindness

All this month I've been seeing friends posting what they are thankful for this month.  This morning as my children's CCD program began the kids were sharing what they were thankful for this month.  I realized I'm thankful for random acts of kindness.

I didn't realize how true that thought would be until a few hours later.

I bet you're wondering why there is a picture of a set of keys with a CPR barrier on the dashboard of my van.  What do my studio keys have to do with this post?  They tie in with why I'm thankful for random acts of kindness.

This afternoon I arrived early for my CPR for New & Expecting Parents class.  I managed to snag a really close and prime parking spot in downtown Dover.  It was a good afternoon, until I reached in my bag for my studio keys.  And they weren't there.  [you can mentally insert ominous music and images of me beginning to panic...]

Over the next hour I managed to:
  • Dump my purse and search it.
  • Search under the seats of my van.
  • Call home to have the kids start looking for my keys while I drove home.
  • Search my desk, dresser and under the furniture.
  • Drove all the way back to Dover while trying to reach someone from the studio to see if they could let me in.
  • Circled downtown looking for parking space; parked on Main St and ran down a dirt path to get to the studio to meet the nice parents who had signed up for my class.
  • Explain why class would be late.  All my equipment was locked in the studio.
  • Run up and down Central Ave along where I walked Saturday evening after my Saturday class.
  • Visit 2 downtown business near where I had parked to see if any had turned in my keys.
  • Went back to the studio to explain why there would be no class.
  • Reached someone who was going to try to find one of the local instructors to let me in.
  • Go back to looking under parked cars.
And then finally I thought to call the one other place I had stopped the night before.... Domino's.  I had picked up pizza for the kids on my way home.  And they had my keys!  The very nice woman I met when I picked them up said someone found them in the parking lot and had brought them inside.  I was so happy I thought I would cry.

Most people would just notice the keys on the ground, step over them and then keep on walking.  Some very nice person brought them in to Domino's where they nicely put them in their safe for safekeeping.

I am very thankful for random acts of kindness.


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