One step at a time

My blogging skills have been lacking lately.  Not because I have nothing to say... if you know me you know I'm just full of things I could easily discuss.  I've been busy writing for others, stressing over the move of my domain to a new web host, converting to a Word Press site and a myriad of family things have just kept me plain old busy.  I've also become addicted to Kindle books which I read on my laptop or droid.  Not the most productive of addictions.  My class schedule is starting to fill up a bit too which is a good thing.

But today I finally did something I said I was going to do and have been meaning to do.  I'm taking a step in the right direction .... literally.

I registered for a 5K road race.

Now before you think ... "dang, she's a runner?"  The answer is No.  I am not a runner.  I registered as a competitive walker. 

I walk a lot around town, I like to walk.  I need to be in better shape and what better way to do it?  How can I teach First Aid, CPR and safety if I'm not as fit as I could be?  If I'm registered for a race then I know I've made the commitment to train and prepare for it.  I'll probably come in last, and I'm okay with that.  As long as I finish I will be happy.  Because this will not be the only race of the season that I am entering.  I'm publicly admitting that I'm entering the Seacoast Road Race Series, which means I'll have to walk at least 6 of the 8 races to qualify for a series jacket.  It also means I have to walk 2 10K races since the only 8K is my own Fox Point Sunset 5 Mile Road Race that I have volunteered at and have helped organize for several years.  I have volunteer jobs to do during the race, so I'll have to sit that one out.  Well, not sit exactly ... but I'll be busy prepping for the Fun Run, end of race activities and of course our most-awesome post-race BBQ which will have AWESOME food for everyone!

So if all goes well I'll be posting for a while about my training and races, and still throwing in some fun and interesting CPR & First Aid stuff.  'Cause I know everyone likes to read about the fun stuff I discuss in my classes.

Friday is my Wicked Exercise class at the Seacoast YMCA that I can thank for better fitting jeans and hopefully I'll get a walk in before a noontime appointment.  If I can find the map you might find me walking the Jason Hussey 5K route since I'll be in Greenland.  Taking one step at a time in the right direction.


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