Home Escape Plan

When your smoke alarm sounds do you know what to do?  Do your children know what to do?

For Fire Prevention Week 2010 the National Fire Protection Association has created 2 really nice placements or posters for young children to learn and practice escape plans.  There is a poster for boys and a poster for girls

The steps are easy to learn and great to practice with your kids!
  1. The smoke detector sounds.  Even if you don't see smoke go outside
  2. Go to your meeting place.  This is a safe location you can choose outside.  Have your children help you pick your meeting place.
  3. Wait at your meeting place for your family to join you.
That's it!  Easy Peasy.  But Fire Prevention Week isn't the only time of year for practicing Home Escape Plans.  Practice them several times a year with your children so that they know what to do in an emergency.


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