Back to School 2010

School is starting this week for my children, 3 kids at 2 different schools and only 1 still at home. September will be an interesting month as we adjust to the new routines.

We've had a crazy, lazy, day-tripping, long list of things-not-done kinda summer. On the last list was my desire to keep up to date with the blog. But we made some fun summer memories and I'll post about some of our interesting road trips around the Seacoast soon.

Today's post is a really belated back to school list. When we think of back to school we think of school supplies and school clothes. Sports gear and hopefully sports physicals. Last summer I posted a really good safety back to school checklist. I'm not going repost it, but here is a brief list of some back to school safety tips:

  • If your child uses an inhaler or epi pen - do you have one to give to the school nurse that won't expire in the next few months? Make sure you have one that has a VALID expiration date to carry you through the school year.

  • Have you discussed with your child what to do if the bus drops them off and you're not home? Do you have a neighbor or friend that you can call if you're stuck in traffic somewhere?

  • Have you had sports physicals for your children if they will play sports this year? Do you have all the info you need to fill out the myriad health history forms that will be coming your way soon?

  • Have you checked sizes on last years sports equipment? If it doesn't fit right it won't protect them correctly. Make sure you check for good size and fit and purchase/obtain/borrow the correct sized gear for your kids.

  • I'm sure there are dozens or more things that my brief list will get you thinking about. What would you add to my list?


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