Review: Down Broadway

Over a month ago I was given the opportunity to review a DVD on baseball and softball tips for players. The timing seemed great at the time since my oldest had just started to play softball. But, like most parents new to some sports, I had no idea how much time I was about to spend driving to and from practices and games! So this review is a little late getting written up and posted.

Disclaimer: I was asked to review this product by a company I had done a previous review for. I was not compensated for this review and received 2 DVD's in the mail to watch and write about.

The DVD is Down Broadway: Pitching and Catching Techniques for the Modern Player. It is made by Bobby Woods Productions, Bobby Woods is a former professional baseball player who provides baseball and softball instructional programs. This DVD is the second in a series for parents and coaches.

I had my daughter watch it first. I probably should have watched it with her because her reviews included comments like 'it was okay', and not a lot of other detail. This disc is primarily for baseball players and after reviewing it a few times I can see her perspective. It is more geared for the coaches or the parent who is helping their child. This DVD covered how to do basic throws, pitching, and catching. The catching portion is not general catching; it is for the person catching at home plate, not for outfielders or base players.

What I liked:
  • Each position and action was broken down in each of its individual components. Like how to stand, move your feet and balance when throwing a pitch. Or where your non-glove hand should be positioned when catching.

  • Each position and action was demonstrated multiple times and included separate instruction for both right-handed and left-handed players.

  • Several different types of pitches were shown and really explained in detail. As a new parent to the sport this really helped me to understand why specific hand holds create the different types of pitches.

  • The DVD uses different aged players so kids and parents are seeing the positions played by their peers or players the same age as their kids.

  • What I wasn't as thrilled with:
  • I was hoping softball was included on this disc and it wasn't. I did receive a second DVD on hitting which I haven't watched yet, but I'm hoping includes softball players. (Stay tuned, that review will be later this week!)

  • This video is part 2 in a Series. Part 1 is Mom, can you teach me how to hit? and according to the Bobby Woods Productions website, Part 3 The Glove is currently in production. The picture on the website shows a softball player so I'm hoping the next DVD covers softball a little bit more.

    Interested in the DVD's? Each DVD has a preview clip on the Bobby Woods Productions website. You can rent the DVD for 5 days on the website or purchase it online. I'm guessing the rental is a link to watch it online. A neat feature I noticed is that if you want to buy the DVD after renting it your rental fee is discounted from the $19.99 purchase price.


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