Customer service
A few weeks ago I was told in an email that I didn't know the difference between customer service provided by a service provider and customer service provided by a store clerk. It wasn't suggested in a nice manner so it's something I've been mulling off and on for a few weeks. I knew I would blog about it, but wanted to make sure I wasn't reacting to the tone of the email. I guess for me there really isn't a difference. As a service provider (my courses) I do my best to meet the needs of my clients. I can't tell you how good it makes me feel to receive positive reviews on the evaluation forms I use at the end of my classes. I also greatly appreciate anyone who provides a good service for me. It doesn't matter to me if you are a clerk in a store, the person bagging my groceries, the customer service associate on the phone or someone I've hired to perform a job or task. I'm quick to thank them for a good job. If I get one of those stor...
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