Sunshine Blog Award

Wow! I feel so honored to receive a Sunshine Award from Heather Price of Free Skin Care Help! I've never received a blog award before.

It's actually making me feel rather guilty. I've been so busy preoccupied scattered lately that I've really been neglecting this blog as well as my regular Examiner column.

I guess that is the challenge sometimes when trying to do a lot of things from home with the kids helping out, sometimes it just doesn't all get done.

But I can safely write that many of the disasters distractions of January have been resolved and this award is a good reminder to help me get back on track!

So thank you so much Heather! I am honored that you I am one of your 12 chosen recipients that you feel have mentored or assisted you in some way.

I'm posting the Award rules. I will admit up front that I won't be able to do my 12 nominees right away, but will get to it soon!

Sunshine Blog Award

Here are the rules:
• Put the Logo on your sidebar, or within a post.
•Pass the award onto 12 Bloggers
•Link the nominees within your post.
•Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
•Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award


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