
This may sound odd, but we live in NH and we don't ski. There are many beautiful places to go skiing, but yet we don't ski. So today I thought I'd try to change that.

On my other blog I posted that January is Learn a Snow Sport Month. As part of this many ski locations are offering fabulous deals. Today, 1/9/10, was Winter Trails Day. So I thought I'd take advantage of the free rentals and free skiing to take the kids. Oh, did I mention I was taking 4 kids, ages 2 to 11, by myself?

It actually went somewhat well. It could have been worse. I rented a Pulk - a special cross-country sled - for my youngest to ride in. The rest of us had skis. I got a lot of exercise trying to get 3 kids into the skis and froze my hands in the process. In hindsight I should have bundled my 2 year old into the sled last, not first. By the time we were all set she had been in sled for a while and just lost patience with it ... especially when we had to wait our turn for our ski lesson. When I had a chance to really get skiing she was upset and kept pulling her hat off. It was too cold for her to go hatless so at that point she & I were done. My son was having fun, but couldn't go very fast or he'd fall over and his older sisters were a bit ahead of him, so I rounded him up and the little kids and I got to camp out in the car.

The girls loved it though. They were out on the trails for a lot longer than I thought they would be. My biggest regret about the whole outing was I never got a picture of the kids on the skis.


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