Support your local toy drive

I saw an article in the paper today, the demand for donations to local charities has gone up, but so have the donations. There was a great picture of a local food pantry that I've the fortune to visit with my Girl Scout Troop.

Many non-profit and charity groups provide a wealth of services to our communities. One we don't often think about are toy banks. Christmas is just days away, and local toy banks are still struggling to meet the need of families who are just not financially able to provide Christmas gifts to their children. We see the trees with gift request tags at banks, credit union, churches and other businesses; as well as donation boxes at shops and in our workplaces. But have you taken a moment to pick a tag or purchase a gift to donate? Many of these requests are not selfish requests for electronic toys, but rather "A warm coat that fits me", "personal care items for a teenage girl" or "size 3 diapers". These aren't necessarily gifts as we think of them underneath our Christmas Trees, but gifts of necessities.

There are but a few days and hours left until Christmas. When you're out shopping please take a moment to pick up that tag, purchase one extra item and help make this Christmas a magical one.

Local Seacoast Toy Banks:

Seacoast Area Firefighters Toy Bank

The Salvation Army

Toys for Tots

Have a magical and safe Holiday Season!


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