Remembering 9/11

Today is September 11, 2009. Eight years ago our country was shockingly and tragically attacked. There are so many political and social ramifications that day has had on our country, our politics and our minds ever since.

I don't know the exact numbers, but over 5,000 people died that day. What numbers I do know is that 343 New York City Firefighters and 23 New York City & Port Authority Police Officers also made the ultimate sacrifice on that morning.

All of these folks woke up on a beautiful morning, went to work or the airport, and like us right now were probably thinking ahead on what they were doing that day, the next day and the upcoming weekend. That is over 5,000 immediate families who will wake up today missing that member of their family. For over a million they are missing a member of their extended family.

There will be a lot of talk and references to that fateful morning today, this post is probably just one of thousands (or more). My message is to cherish each day we have with each other. No politics, no stark images or reminders. Just enjoy and be thankful for each moment and day we can spend with our families and friends.

Take care.


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