March is National Nutrition Month

I just saw the other day that March is National Nutrition Month. Nutrition and changing up some of our recipes has been a topic in our house lately. My husband has to attend evening trainings for work and at the last training they had a Nutritionist come and discuss healthy eating.

We do try to eat healthy at home, but there is always room for improvement and he brought several handouts home. I'm also doing Weight Watchers so I'm looking for anything to help me out with that as well.

It's funny that although I do try to cook healthy, shop and prepare healthy foods - I really know very little about nutrition. I grew up in a very Irish household so we ate lots of meat and potatoes. For my family I try to have more veggies and less of the meat and starch. I do have to be careful with my low-fat diet as I forget sometimes that my younger children still need natural fats in their diets.

So I'm looking for good nutritional information to include in my blog this month. If you'd like to guest blog, send some info for me to research & write about or just have some great ideas on nutrition just comment here or email me through my website,

Happy Healthy Eating!


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