Easy tips to make eating healthier

Today in the mail we received a flyer from our Health Insurance Provider. It had a page on eating well and some tips on making meals healthier that I thought I'd share.

* Substitute veggies for cheeses and meats on pizza or in omelets.
* Switch to nonfat or low fat milk, yogurt and cheese.
* Use nonstick sprays instead of butter, margarine or oil to 'grease' the pan.
* Choose water packed tuna, chicken or other canned meats instead of oil packed.
* Choose sweet fruits instead of candy.
* Pick smaller serving sizes and smaller plates
* Try whole-wheat products instead of white and brown rice.
* Try baking, broiling or grilling intead of frying.
* Substitute applesauce for oil in some recipes when baking.
* Substitute 2 egg whites for a whole egg.
* Make popsicles out of grapes and watermelon wedges.
* Season with lemon and herbs instead of butter and salt.
* Try veggies with salsa instead of chips.
* When eating out asking for dressing and sauces to be on the side and not poured over your food.
* Reduce the amount of salt.

Many of these tips are from the American Dietetic Association; America on the Move at www.americaonthemove.org and NHLGC Slice of Life at www.nhlgc.org.

Keep in mind that many of the health tips that you may find are recommended for adults and children over the age of 2. Little kids need a diet that is higher in fat. Do you have any tips to make your food healthier that you'd like to share? Add a comment!


  1. Choosing a smaller plate is a great tip for cutting down on the calorie intake :-)


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