Halloween Safety Tips

I recently wrote a quick guest post for Multiples and More on Halloween Safety. And then today realized I should have posted these on my own blog! Halloween 2010 Safety Tips Before Halloween Plan out your costumes. Make sure everything fits and if you're in a colder climate make sure it will fit over a warm coat. Make sure part of their costume is reflective. Streetlights aren't always bright and not every place has them. If you're in a town without sidewalks reflective striping is a must. Incorporate glow sticks, glow necklaces or glow bracelets as part of their costumes. Pick up some fun Halloween themed flashlights. Not only does it help the kids find their way, it helps you spot them if they get a little too far ahead of you. Plan out where you are trick or treating. Stick to your neighborhood or neighborhoods you know well. This is not about where the candy is, but where it is safe. If your state has an online sex offender registry check it....