Climbing out of a well

I was having an email conversation with a friend who was cautioning me not to be persuaded to do something for someone. And suddenly all I could think of was that I was at the bottom of a well. I wrote: I feel like I’m at the bottom of a well and trying to climb up wet sides. I keep slipping backwards and am not making quick progress. And honestly, that's what I feel like. I feel guilty saying I'm behind because my mom died. And it's not completely that, it's almost 2 weeks of driving to a hospital out of state every other day. It's 2 1/2 months of driving weekly 2 states away to visit. It's the guilt I was feeling for not driving down more frequently. It's the time spent in the car, 4-6 hours each trip, plus the time spent visiting. During all that driving and all that visiting I wasn't getting any work done on my business or volunteer work. I wasn't getting projects and housework done at home. ...